Geographic coordinates converter

Coordinate сonverter
The geographic coordinates converter is designed for easy conversion of geographic coordinates between formats such as DD (decimal degrees) and DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds). Its ease of use and conversion accuracy make it valuable for a wide range of users working with geographic data.
Conversion Type:

For accurate calculations, specify latitude values from 0° to 90° and longitude values from 0° to 180°


For accurate calculations, specify latitude values from -90 to 90 and longitude values from -180 to 180


Geographic coordinates serve as a unique address for any point on the Earth's surface. However, sometimes working with different coordinate formats requires an understanding of the peculiarities and methods of conversion.

Geographic Coordinate Formats

  1. DD (Decimal Degrees): A simple format representing degrees in decimal form. For example, Latitude 40.7128, Longitude -74.0060 for New York.
  2. DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds): This format represents coordinates in degrees, minutes, and seconds. For example, Latitude 40° 42' 46" N, Longitude 74° 0' 22" W for New York.

DD to DMS Conversion

The following formula is used to convert from DD to DMS:

D = ⌊ DD ⌋

M = ⌊ (DD - D) × 60 ⌋

S = (DD - D - M/60) × 3600


  • DD - Decimal Degrees.
  • D - Degrees in DMS.
  • M - Minutes in DMS.
  • S - Seconds in DMS.

Conversion Example

Let's assume we have a coordinate in DD format: 34.0522. Let's perform the conversion:

D = 34°

M = 3'

S = 8.1''

Thus, 34.0522 DD is equivalent to 34° 3' 8.1'' DMS.

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